Play Golden Empire Slot Demo: Unearth Mayan Riches for Free

Welcome to Golden Empire slot, a creation by Jili Games that invites you to embark on a journey into the enigmatic Mayan era in search of hidden treasures. This immersive slot game offers cascading mechanics, where winning symbols disappear, making way for new ones, potentially leading to consecutive rewards. With an expansive game grid and an impressive 32,400 ways to win, Golden Empire provides abundant opportunities for substantial payouts. The slot also boasts scatter symbols that trigger captivating free spins. Join us as we delve into this thrilling adventure.

Theme, Graphics & Soundtrack

Golden Empire transports you to the heart of an Aztec adventure with its vivid and visually appealing graphics. While the Chinese/Far East theme is a common choice for slots, Golden Empire stands out with its colorful and dynamic design. The game features symbols set against semi-translucent reels framed by an ancient temple backdrop. Chinese lanterns cast a warm glow on either side of the reels, adding to the ambiance. The game’s soundtrack, played on a traditional Chinese lute, enhances the overall experience. Symbols on the reels include a tiger, two dragons, a golden bird, a golden fish, and lower-value playing card symbols from ten to ace. Each symbol is meticulously crafted, contributing to the game’s aesthetic charm.

Betwinner Golden Empire

How To Play Golden Empire

  1. Game Overview: Upon launching the game, you’ll encounter a brief splash screen providing an overview of the slot’s key features before transitioning to the reels.
  2. Rules & Settings: Familiarize yourself with the game’s rules and consult the paytable to understand symbol values. Adjust various settings, such as the soundtrack and sound effects, via the menu button.
  3. Bet Customization: Tailor your bet by utilizing the + and – buttons flanking the bet amount. Choose from 11 bet multiplier levels.
  4. Speed Controls: If you’re playing on a laptop, you can expedite the reel spin animations by holding down the spacebar.
  5. Autoplay Feature: Employ the autoplay button to specify the number of automatic spins. While infinite autospins are an option, it’s essential to gamble responsibly.
  6. Commence Spinning: Initiate your gameplay by spinning the reels. Always maintain responsible gaming practices, set a budget, and recognize when to conclude your session.

Bet Sizes & Paytable Wins

Bet Range1.50 to 750 credits per spin
Bet Multipliers1x to 500x
Highest-Paying SymbolWolf-dragon (50x total bet for x5)
Free Spins Retrigger LimitUp to nine times (max 100 free spins)
Free Spin Multiplier Range1x to 15x

Golden Empire Free Spins Round


In summary, Golden Empire slot offers an immersive excursion into the enigmatic Mayan civilization. With cascading mechanics, considerable win potential, and an exhilarating free spins feature, the game provides an engaging and rewarding gaming experience. Test the slot in demo mode to embark on your adventure for Mayan riches without financial commitment. Remember to wager responsibly and relish the excitement of Golden Empire!

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